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The config subcommand is pytoil's programmatic access to it's own configuration file! Here you can get, show and get help about the configuration.


$ pytoil config --help

Usage: pytoil config [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Interact with pytoil's configuration.

  The config command group allows you to get, show and explain pytoil's

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  edit     Open pytoil's config file in $EDITOR.
  explain  Print a list and description of pytoil config values.
  get      Get the currently set value for a config key.
  show     Show pytoil's config.


get does what it says. It gets a valid config key-value pair from your file and shows it to you. Simple!

$ pytoil config get editor

editor: code-insiders


show is just a handy way of seeing what the current config is without having to go to the config file!

$ pytoil config show

               Key   Value
     projects_dir:   /Users/tomfleet/Development
            token:   skjdbakshbv82v27676cv
         username:   FollowTheProcess
           editor:   code-insiders
        conda_bin:   mamba
  common_packages:   ['black', 'mypy', 'isort', 'flake8']
              git:   True


edit simply opens up the pytoil config file in your $EDITOR so you can make any changes you like!

$pytoil config edit

Opening ~/.pytoil.toml in your $EDITOR


The command pytoil config explain outputs a (hopefully) helpful description of the pytoil configuration schema.